Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Friday!!!

So today happens to be my Friday!!! HAHA.. Don't be jealous!!!

So a ton has happen over the last few days. I don't even know where to start..

I guess we will start with family. On Tuesday, they found out that my grandma had a stroke during her knee surgery. The only real effect is that she is seeing double in one of her eyes. She is supposed to going to see a doctor today and hopefully there will be some more answers. It just seems like God just keeps throwing my family curve balls! But everything happens for a reason and we will be fine eventually..

Even with everything that happen on Tuesday, I still managed to go to a spin class and get a good work out in. Eating was within points on Tuesday.

Wednesday morning started with another spin class, because it was going to be a really long day at work with a 4 PM all branch meeting. It actually felt really good to get my workout done early for the day. Worked all day and then headed home to get ready for my date. We ended up downtown at a place called the Lincoln Room... It was a really fun night with really great conversation. I ate really well all day and even skipped the pizza at the work meeting, but then we went to dinner and it wasn't horrible, but wasn't good by any means. Here is my random thought on this for the day. I love waking up on Friday and seeing a positive number on the scale, it is a little addicting. On that note though, I want to LIVE LIFE, not live for the scale and last night was one of those nights, but I feel like I managed not to go overboard.. So now I feel like I am rambling on.

Let's end on a good note!! KICKBALL Starts tonight!!! That's right I said kickball.. I will post a team picture tomorrow of our groovy team. Check back to see what I mean..

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weekend wrap up and LONG MONDAY!

So where do I even start.... I guess with Friday night..

Friday after work and Chipotle messing up my order that we ordered through work, I attempted a run, I was not really feeling it, but managed to get through the three miles, but very slowwwwww.. I showered and we went shopping for pirate stuff for my roommates birthday and let me tell you I am not very creative, but we tried. After shopping, we went and tried this new burger place called Slater's 50/50. They are known for their 50/50 patty which is 50% ground beef and 50% ground bacon.. It was probably not the best decision, but it was so good and a perfect Friday night activity. I wish I had taken a pic! On that note, I was home in bed by about 9.30 PM.

Saturday morning we woke up, went to a spin class and then headed to pick up my friend from the airport who was coming to town for one night for the pirate party.. Came home got dressed and headed to Bub's for lunch and a few drinks.. It was a fun day expect the Rebels lost to SDSU @ the last second.. On a side note, I did meet a boy who was 7'1.. I didn't think he was that cute, but you never know.. More about that later.... We ended up leaving around 4 PM and headed home to get ready for the party.. We headed over to the party and it ended up being a blast!!! The 7'1 boy did end up showing up, but I am pretty sure I blew things with him. Everyone else was really into him and thought he was really cute, except me.. I know, maybe I should have given him a chance, but with everything going on that night... It didn't happen. I mean, if I was really into him, I would have spent more time with him and that didn't happen. I tried to text him yesterday to see if he wanted to meet up for drinks this week to give it another go, but no text back. Ended the night around 12.45 and headed home. Here is a pic of me and a friend and the Pirates of the Caribbean cake we got them.

I am the one of the left...

Sunday, Just laid around all day and did nothing. Ended up going out for breakfast and had french toast. Later that day, a friend came over to watch the Packer game and we a few snacks and then got a late lunch @ Chipotle (I know, I gave it another chance). Just did some laundry and cleaned up the house the rest of the day..

Monday felt like it took forever!!! I am not going to post my food journal, but I stayed within my points. That is all that matters and went to the gym for spin & Body pump last night and then to the grocery store to stock up on some fruits and veggies for the week.

That is all I have in me right now.. and I am sure you guys are sick of hearing about everything right now.. Have a good week and tomorrow and I will share my week plans and goals!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Morning!!!

So I was really worried about today and my weigh in... I went out to dinner for my roommates birthday Wednesday night and then went out to the bars last night for her birthday... But good things to report!!! I lost 2.2 pounds and am at 155. No where near where I need to be, but a good start for my first full week. Plans for tonight are to run right after work, shop for stuff for the pirate party tomorrow and then lay low for the rest of the night! Got to get some stuff done tonight before a crazy Saturday starts!!! I promise to take plenty of pics tomorrow through out the day and share them with everyone!

So tomorrow we have a pirate party!!! Any ideas on how I can make a homemade costume???

Thursday Food Journal:
2 packets of low sugar maple and brown sugar oatmeal-6
fresh carrots-0
Lean Cuisine French bread pizza: 8
Sweet pickles:1
Ham sandwich(2 slices Sara lee Delight bread, 1 oz Ham, 2% American cheese, TBS of light Miracle whip)-5
15 Baked Doritos: 3
2 vodka waters with Lemon and lime- 7
Total: 30

Activity: Spin(50 minutes)-9 Points

I went over by 4 points, but made it up with the spin class!!! It is all about making sure to still live it up while on the plan!!!! and as long as you stick to the plan it will work!!! I am a firm believer of it and I will make sure to update you as much as possible on my progress!!! I have a busy weekend, so I probably will not be on again until Sunday night. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Love Lobster!!!

So, last night we had the most amazing Lobster dinner and it was only 10 dollars for a pound Main tail Lobster! I went into the night with a plan No booze, Swap rice for grilled Asparagus and then maybe have a side salad!!! Well, I succeeded on the first two, but the last one is a different story.... I could not resist the bread basket and two pieces of bread. Also, to get the 10 dollar lobster you have to order something else, so we went with Almond Crusted Brie and  fried artichoke arts... Luckily I do not really care for artichoke, and only ate one piece of that, but ate more Brie then I should.. But there is nothing I can do now except move on and try to do better next time.. Besides that is turned into an awesome Birthday dinner and we all had a blast!!

I did manage to make it out for a 3 mile run yesterday and am planning on hitting up a spin class tonight.

Today is the roommates Birthday and me and my other roomie surprised her with this:

She loved them!!! I plan on trying to add more pics as I go, but have a really hard time remembering to take them.. Tonight we are headed out for her birthday.. Going to teat at home before and I go and either not drink or just have one or two vodka/water with a lemon and lime.. My go to!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, Wednesday & More of Wednesday...

So, the past few days have been pretty boring pretty much just been going to work, going to the gym and trying to eat better.. I did finally go back to Body Pump at the gym on Monday night and let me tell you, I am feeling it!!! Even more so today then yesterday.

It looks like my date is not going to happen this week, but we are set up for sure next Wednesday night!!! So that is a good feeling and something I am really looking forward too.

So tonight we are going to dinner for my roommates birthday and I think I have it planned out pretty well. The special is 9.99 Lobster and rice pilaf. So I plan on eating the lobster and asking if I can substitute the rice for some steam veggies.. We will see if it works, if not then I will just eat the Lobster and ask for a side for Veggies.

Here is my food & Activity Journal For Monday & Tuesday:

Banana- 0
2 packets of low sugar Oatmeal- 6
Smart one Three Cheese Ziti Mariana- 8
Steamfresh Veggies-0
4 OZ Turkey- 6
1/2 cup Turkey gravy-1
2 sweet pickles-1
1 slice Sara lee Wheat Bread-1
Total food points: 23

Spin & Body Pump: 13 Activity points

Homemade breakfast sandwich(1 egg, 1 egg white, 1OZ ham, Bagel Thin, & low fat cheese slice)- 7
Subway Minestrone Soup- 2 (such a great deal for points & so good)
Subway ham & cheese on honey oat- 6 ( I only ate half the bread)
4 OZ Turkey- 6
1/4 cup Turkey Gravy- 1
steamfresh Veggies-0
Mash Red potatoes(1/4 cup)- estimate points- 3
2 sweet pickles-1
Total: 26

Spin: 10 Activity points

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Wrap Up...

So the rest of the weekend was pretty quiet....

Saturday we went to lunch at CPK and I had a pizza on their thin crust, it was really good!!! We then headed over to the movie theater to see NYE. I was really excited to see it, since I enjoyed Valentines day so much, but it didn't live up to expectations. It was OK, but very unrealistic. I love one of those feel good movies, but not one that seems so far fetched! Left the movie just in a funk because of some family drama and went home and napped and tried to get out of the funk, but it did not work. Luckily, a great friend forced me to go out for a bit and it was just what I needed. I was out a little later then I expected and drank a little more then I expected to, but overall it was a fun night!

I slept in Sunday until around 11 AM and then woke up and cooked a Turkey! Yep that is right, I called it second chance Thanksgiving.. Ended up making Turkey, Stuffing and some mash potatoes. It was all so good!!! Pretty much just sat around the house and ate lunch and watched football and some TV.

Things to look forward to this week...
Hitting the gym 5 days before Sunday.
Tracking points all week until Saturday night.
UNLV SDSU Basketball game
Lobster birthday dinner date with roommate!
Date with boy I met at the Rose Bowl.
Stacy coming to SD this weekend!!!! YEAH!!!

Hope everyone has a great week!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday Morning and I am working..

What a nice Saturday morning!!! It is only 9 AM and already 60 degrees today.. I am very excited to see what the day holds! Going to lunch and to NYE with a friend then meeting up with some other friends later on tonight for some drinks. Going to try to eat pretty good all day, so I can have the drinks tonight and not feel quilty.

Last night we decide to do dinner @ the house. We BBQ'd a Tri-Tip, some more aspargus(My new favorite veggie, stemed veggies with some garlic bread!!! It was a great dinner... I also had a 90 calorie snickers ice cream bar, it may have not been the best choice, but I was craving something sweet and that seemed like the best option.

This morning I had a banana and am now eating some low sugar oatmeal.

Boy wise... I ran into this boy from my past on NYE, he has been texting me quite a bit, but I just feel like the text are so random.. Pretty much feel like he is just trying to get a booty call, but that will not happen.. He seems like a total loser!!!! Espically since he cannot take the time to call me and take me out on a date.. Boys it is not that hard to take a girl you are interested in on a date!! and not many single girls are going to say no to a date!!!

Have a great weekend!!!